Artificial sweeteners can change the behaviour of gut bacteria

You will hardly meet a person today who has never heard about a poor diet…

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New features added to Android will be available this summer

If you are an active user of Android devices, you will certainly find the new…

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Meet a new ocean

Do you know how many oceans there are on our planet? Actually, there are more…

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Tech world: releases of new smartphones

Are you a geek waiting for new gadgets to enter the market? This month we…

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The newest facts about the Windows 10 actualisation every user is waiting for

If you are prefer using Microsoft Windows and are waiting for the new actualisation of…

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Breakthrough neuroscanning technique to be adopted for the brain research

The neurological research of the brain is one of the paramount scientific fields today, albeit,…

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A startling discovery: the rotation speed of the Earth is changing

According to the scientists of cosmology, the speed of the Earth has been constantly changing,…

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